I know this is a old game considering it first appeared on amazon July 14, 2004. But for those who are looking for a awesome game to play look no further than Resident Evil 4 for gamecube. I was absolutely stunned when I saw the graphics. RE4 easily passes all the games for gamecube and possibly all the games for this console generation in the graphics department. But good graphics do not make a good game.
In the gameplay/controls department I would have to say RE4 is top notch. I hated the older RE games because the controls were horrid. But for RE4 the developers have mapped the controls onto the gamecube controller perfectly. Plus, there is a button combo that does a 180 turn! The feel of the game is 75% gore 25% suspense. The gore is over the top it seems the developers took ever chance they could to throw in another exploding head. The gore doesn't take away from the game. Getting your head chainsawed off really would bleed that much. The major problem is that the game just isn't scary. I wanted it to be scary. I even tried playing with all the lights off at three in the morning no dice. There were a couple times where I jumped and some of the game's atmosphere really was intense but as a whole I would have to say the Doom 3 demo scared me more.
The final verdict is the $12.95 (Amazon, 6|26|2006) that this game costs used is chump change compared to the amount of fun this game has brought me. If you are interested and would like to see some in game footage put to good music, then look no further than raypinot's Resident Evil 4 -- Stupid MF. WARNING: Not for the squeamish.
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