Friday, January 18, 2008

Africanized Bees

I wish I was making this up but this is seriously on the official United States Department of Agriculture website.
What to do if Attacked by Africanized honey bees
Remember these important steps:

1. RUN away quickly. Do not stop to help others. However, small children and the disabled may need some assistance.

2. As you are running, pull your shirt up over your head to protect your face, but make sure it does not slow your progress. This will help keep the bees from targeting the sensitive areas around your head and eyes.

3. Continue to RUN. Do not stop running until you reach shelter, such as a vehicle or building. A few bees may follow you indoors. However, if you run to a well-lit area, the bees will tend to become confused and fly to windows.Do not jump into water! The bees will wait for you to come up for air. If you are trapped for some reason, cover up with blankets, sleeping bags, clothes, or whatever else is immediately available.

4. Do not swat at the bees or flail your arms. Bees are attracted to movement and crushed bees emit a smell that will attract more bees.


  1. 1. [RUN away quickly.] Do not stop to help others. However, small children and the disabled may need some assistance.
    4. Do not swat at the bees or flail your arms. [Bees are attracted to movement] and crushed bees emit a smell that will attract more bees.

    So why am i running instead of following the last part of STEP 3?.

  2. You are running because you can run faster than the bees can fly.

    If you just cover up with blankets, clothes, etc, the bees will crawl into all the openings and start stinging you, and it is going to be very hard to stay still when that happens, so you will attract more bees.

    If it's warm enough for bees to be outside, you will not be wearing enough clothes to provide anything near what you will need to protect against the bees. Just run and keep running.
